Advisory board

What is an Advisory Board?

The advisory board is a group of appointed external experts, with the role of providing objective guidance and complement the consortium's industrial and technical expertise.

How will the NIAGARA Advisory Board be involved?

Every 6 months, the NIAGARA advisory board will receive a comprehensive summary highlighting the project’s progress, key findings, and upcoming challenges. Each member will evaluate these developments based on their expertise and provide strategic recommendations to strengthen project outcomes.

Who are the members of the NIAGARA Advisory Board?

Juchelková Dagmar
Prof. Dr. Ing. Juchelková Dagmar
Professor for energy utilization, environment, biomass and waste conversion
VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava WtERT
Czech Republic

Professor Juchelková works as a teacher at the VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava; but she’s also the direct manager of the CZ WtERT organisation which is an open knowledge infrastructure that brings together engineers and scientists to collaborate on the advancement of sustainable waste management. She has a degree and a Ph.D. in energy management, from the Machinery Faculty of VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava.Prof. Juchelková main working activities are the research and determination of criteria for by-products utilisation in the praxis and the possibility of biomasses and coal dust co-combustion.


Link to profile for more information:


Moisés Canle López
Prof. Moisés Canle López
Full Professor of Physical Chemistry
Universidade da Coruna

Professor Canle López works as full-time professor of Physical Chemistry at Universidade da Coruña in Spain. He has a Degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Ph.D. from the University of A Coruña. His research interests are understanding the mechanisms of chemical reactions for their control and improvement. Currently, focused on the understanding of processes related to diffuse environmental pollution and the development of clean and sustainable technologies for the elimination of persistent pollutants and the potabilization and circularity of water.

Link to profile for more information: